Social Protection

EGF, utilizing the Equity Group payment system, continues to provide Cash Transfer Programs while at the same time leveraging on innovative delivery models that co-create enrolment and payment solutions for Elderly Persons, Orphans, Persons with Severe Disabilities, Persons living in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs), Internally Displaced Persons, Refugees and other Vulnerable Persons.In partnership with Governments, Humanitarian and Development agencies, the Foundation transforms lives and livelihoods by providing inclusive financial services to thousands of marginalized and vulnerable households living in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and South Sudan through these strategic initiatives.


Beneficiaries Reached with Social Protection Programs

KES 157.7B

Disbursed via Cash Transfers

Our Work

Equity Group Foundation (EGF) provides inclusive financial services to thousands of marginalized and vulnerable households living in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and South Sudan through Cash Transfer Programs. Social payments have demonstrated a cost-effective way of transferring cash to the most vulnerable and exposed demographics, promoted socio-economic integration and increased self-reliance.






Million Persons reached with Social Protection Programs

KES 157.7B

Disbursement via Cash Transfers

Financial Inclusion

Equity avails its payment infrastructure (Branches, agent network, merchant locations, mobile banking) and digital tools (fully-fledged bank accounts & smart cards to enable ubiquitous access to payments, credit, savings, investments, and insurance products.Financial inclusion enables beneficiaries to be in charge of their own spending and savings through fully-fledged Bank Accounts.

Technology and Innovations

The use of Biometric Smart Cards guarantees convenience, security, accessibility and efficiency as well as accountability. With this model, beneficiaries are able to access their cash allocations, purchase goods and pay for services.

Financial Literacy Trainings

Beneficiaries are taken through financial literacy training which imparts knowledge, skills and attitudes required to adopt good management practices and behaviors for earning, spending, saving, borrowing and investing. Participants in these training programs are equipped with information and tools that enable them make informed financial choices and instills confidence to access financial services. These helps them work towards their financial goals, empower them with the tools necessary to access finance and become more bankable, and ultimately transform their lives and livelihoods.

Impact – Doing Cash Differently

Social payments have demonstrated a cost-effective way of transferring cash to the most vulnerable and exposed demographics, promoted socio-economic integration and increased self-reliance. Adoption of cash transfer as a mode of delivery for humanitarian aid fosters financial inclusion leading to more sustainable socio-economic development. Additionally, cash offers choice, dignity, and facilitates financial independence.

Impact Stories

Vivienne Regina

UNHCR Cash for Shelter Program Beneficiary – Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement, Turkana County

Having a stone-walled house has transformed my living conditions. Previously, thieves would use a blade to cut open the tent or insects would infest our living space during the night. Equity Bank facilitated access to electronic smart cards through which we obtained cash to construct permanent shelter. We were linked to construction material suppliers who would take stock of our purchases and provide a receipt. My family had a bit of money remaining from our allocation and we used it to cement the floor and paint the walls.

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Eregae Ajikon

HSNP Program beneficiary - Napatet, Turkana County

I was registered in lopetun (local name for the Hunger Safety Net Program) after the community elders in the village noticed my hardship and recommended me into the program. I receive KES 5,400 which I use to pay school fees and buy food for my 8 children. I invest the balance in my business. Without HSNP, my children and I would have died long ago. Equity Bank provides excellent services. When payments are disbursed, we are promptly informed to go to our Equity agent, Joseph Sumba, to withdraw the money.

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Anna Kemunto

OVC Program beneficiary – Kibra, Nairobi

When my brother and his wife passed away, I took in their children in addition to mine. When I don’t have money to buy vegetables, I harvest some greens from my sack garden and cook for the children. The money I get from the program helps me to buy additional food, uniform and books.

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